Fingerprint Biometrics: Definition & How Secure It Is | Lakeland Fingerprinting
Introduction to Biometric Identification Biometric identification is a process that involves the use of biometric data, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, and behavioral characteristics, to verify a person’s identity. This technology is becoming increasingly popular in various fields, including homeland security, defense forensics, public security, and commercial applications. Advantages of Biometric Identification One […]
FL920610Z – Concealed Weapons Permit

Looking to get fingerprinted for FL920610Z Concealed Weapons Permit? We have all of the information you need right here.
Florida Board of Nursing Fingerprinting
Lakeland Fingerprinting is an FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) approved Live Scan fingerprinting service provider for various professions across industries and service domains. Lakeland Fingerprinting offers photo-capable electronic fingerprinting services. The Florida Board of Nursing regulates the professions of Nursing (RN, LPN, APRN). All the information related to the profession, the licensing, and the […]