Lakeland Fingerprinting is an FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) approved Live Scan fingerprinting service provider for various professions across industries and service domains. Lakeland Fingerprinting offers photo-capable electronic fingerprinting services.
The Florida Board of Nursing regulates the professions of Nursing (RN, LPN, APRN). All the information related to the profession, the licensing, and the renewal of licenses is handled by the Florida Board of Nursing. The board ensures that the right professionals get the license through the Level two background check in Florida.
What is a Level 2 Background Check for Nursing in Florida?
FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) performs a fingerprint-based level 2 background check in Florida. This is done to check the employees’ records in the FDLE database, FBI criminal history searches, and county criminal records through law local enforcement agencies or courts. Nursing (RN, LPN, APRN) Electronic Fingerprinting is required for the level two background check in Florida.
Lakeland Fingerprinting is an FDLE approved and woman-owned electronic fingerprinting service provider in Lakeland, Florida. Visit Lakeland Fingerprinting today if you want clean, clear, and high-quality fingerprinting done for the level 2 background check.
ORI Number for Nursing (RN, LPN, APRN) is EDOH4420Z